Thanksgiving Bouquet Centerpiece


Bring your Thanksgiving table to life with a bouquet centerpiece in a beautiful vase of your choosing. This arrangement is made from flowers grown as close to Sacramento as possible (and guaranteed to be completely American-grown), delivered on the day before Thanksgiving (Wednesday, Nov. 22). Delivery is just $15.

  • Last day to order: Sunday, Nov. 19.
  • Delivery day: Wednesday, Nov. 22.

Flowers and arrangement size may vary from photos depending on seasonal availability.


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This fall centerpiece in a beautiful vase is the perfect way to liven up your table for Thanksgiving or another family gathering! Delivery is just $15.

What’s included?

This product includes one vase filled with a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers grown in the United States. We will source our flowers as close to Sacramento as possible for this arrangement, and you’ll be able to showcase the work of American farms along with everything else on your holiday table. Your flowers and centerpiece size may vary from the photo above depending on seasonal availability.

Ordering deadline

The last day to order Bloom’s Thanksgiving bouquet centerpiece is Thursday, Nov. 19. The flowers will be delivered on Wednesday, Nov. 22 — just in time for Thanksgiving.

Additional information


Pumpkin vase, White and gold vase