2024 Bouquet Subscription (Gift Package)


Give the gift of local flowers in 2024!

These delivery packages are the perfect way to bring a pop of color to your loved one’s home for a few weeks, a few months or the entire year. Your recipient will receive:

  • Local flowers: These bouquets are filled with flowers grown by us and other local farmers.
  • Sustainable flowers: They come wrapped in recyclable or compostable materials.
  • Hand-delivered flowers: Our drivers drop bouquets on doorsteps in the Sacramento area (see where we deliver).

What others are saying

Here is a selection of real feedback from real Bloom customers (shared with their permission):

  • “We loved your service and so did our friend.” — Sophia
  • “We got 3 months of deliveries for a friend for her birthday (she has been LOVING the flowers!)” — Camy
  • “Thanks for bringing such beauty into my grandma’s home.” — Jamina

Choose a frequency and duration below and get started now! The first deliveries will show up on doorsteps in January 2024 (the exact date will vary, depending on delivery schedule).

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Our signature blooms! This beautiful bouquet is designed to bring a pop of color and joy to your living room or office. This subscription includes:

  • A medium-sized bouquet of flowers, cut to length and arranged (or delivered as a DIY package, depending on the option you select).
  • An environmentally friendly wrap and packaging designed to keep your flowers fresh.
  • Save on shipping: Just pay once for the entire gift period.

When will I get my flowers?

These gift packages will begin on or around Jan. 8, 2024. Weekly deliveries will go out that day, while biweekly and monthly deliveries vary depending on neighborhood.

The order delivery date calendar you see at checkout is meant for one-time orders and may not be accurate for subscriptions! Our subscriptions are delivered by neighborhood, so, for example, everyone in Roseville receive flowers at the same time as each other, and our drivers aren’t zig-zagging all over the greater Sacramento area. Generally, our monthly subscriptions are delivered toward the end of each month, and bi-weekly subscribers are broken into two groups. New subscribers will receive a separate email with their first delivery date after placing an order. Feel free to contact us any time with questions!

Additional information

Arranged or DIY

Arranged, DIY

Delivery frequency

Weekly, Monthly, Biweekly (every other week)

Length of subscription

One month (Jan. 8-Jan. 29), Three months (January-March), Six months (January-June), One year (January-December)